Propagate your Dwarf Jade & Mame Bonsai!

Propagate your Dwarf Jade & Mame Bonsai!

How to propagate branches from your Dwarf Jade bonsai.

Dwarf Jades are very easy to propagate if you follow a few important steps!

- Use clean scissors.

- Propagate in organic soil or water.

- Wait 1-2 days for the cut site on the removed branch to callus before watering.

- Keep moist or in fresh filtered water.

Propagating in soil.

Using clean scissors, cut a branch from your tree. Trim the first 1-2 sets of leaves and/or branches off your branch so you have 1-1.5" of leafless stem.

Let the branch sit for 1-2 days in open air to allow the cut site to callus over.

Fill a small pot with organic soil. 

Using a chopstick or something similar, make a small hole and place the stem inside. Pack the soil around the stem so it stands upright on its own.

Water so the soil is thoroughly moist, and keep the soil moist as new roots develop.

If you notice the leaves wrinkling, water a little more often than you are currently.

Propagating in water.

Using clean scissors, cut a branch from your tree. Trim the first 1-2 sets of leaves and/or branches off your branch so you have 1-1.5" of leafless stem.

Let the branch sit for 1-2 days in open air to allow the cut site to callus over.

Place the branch in a small jar or container with filtered water.

Change the water every 2 days or so.

Once the branch develops a good amount of roots; move the propagated branch into a pot as a houseplant or in a bonsai pot. 

If you notice the leaves wrinkling after you relocate the propagated branch; water a little more often than you are currently.

Make a Mame bonsai from your cuttings!

In the video above, we will walk you through how to make a Mame bonsai using a cutting from your tree! Mame translates from Japanese as 'bean,' and refers to bonsai sized at or less than 2X2X2". These little wonders can be created right from propagations, or cuttings from your class tree.

In this video, we will walk you through the process of taking a cutting, growing a cutting, and finally moving the rooted cutting into a Mame bonsai pot. From there, the trees can be shaped and trimmed into your desired shape!

When watering your cuttings:

In soil: water the soil thoroughly once it is mostly dry.

In water: change the filtered water every 1-2 days

**Note: The rooted cutting used for this video was well established (approximately 12 months).

**Once your cuttings produce roots (1-3 months); they can be successfully relocated into a Mame pot.

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